
June 5, 2016

Easy Like Selfie Sunday - Clover :)

Our pal Clover has a really unique face. It makes for a great selfie*, doesn't it? It also happens to be why - after two years - we immediately recognized this handsome guy when he (through no fault of his own) recently ended up back at PAWS. The last time he was here, his name was Jeter. We remember vividly that his happy-go-lucky personality and penchant for a good old-fashioned belly rub made him a real fan favorite.

It turns out this wonderful boy is still just as sweet as ever.

And that he still loves getting his tummy rubbed. :)

Clover is about 5 years old, neutered, micro-chipped and current on his vaccinations. He's tested negative for FIV and FeLV. He loves pretty much everyone he meets, and will be your instant best buddy, forever and ever. To know Clover is to adore him ... come see for yourself!

We're taking part today in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our beloved friends at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to stop by to see who's hopping this week, and/or to join in on the fun!


  1. Clover has a great and handsome face. We are so sorry he is back at PAWS, but we bet he gets another home very quickly. He certainly appears to be a love bug. Thanks, friends, for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Clover is a real cutie! That's too bad he wound up back at PAWS, although I know at least he'll be well loved until a more permanent home comes along.

  3. Oh, but we remember him as Jeter. :-( Poor love, we hope he finds a true forever home soon, no matter his name. Such a face...Our biped is pleading for someone to give that nose a kiss. (Seriously.)

    Purrs and peace.

  4. He's such a sweet boy. I hope his next home is forever.

  5. WEll, we are just glad that he did come back Paws and put somewhere else. He is a cutie patootie. We so hope he finds another home and soon.

  6. OH Marg is right. That he is back there means he has a chance. I don;t even want to meow about other possibilities.

  7. We're sorry he had to come back to PAWS and we hope he finds a forever home soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. I would say I'm sorry that you ended up back at PAWS, Clover, but since it's such a wonderful place that will give you everything you need, I'd say you're one lucky kitty. I am sorry that your first home didn't work out, but given how handsome and sweet you are, Clover, I bet your true forever home will come about sooner than soon. Purrs to you!

  9. So very very sorry he had to come back, but so glad he got to come back to PAWS too. Praying that handsome Jeter/Clover finds a true furrever home soon!
    Marty and the Gang

  10. He is very handsome. I am sorry his previous home didn't work out for him, and hope he soon gets his next one which really will be a forever home.

  11. He is a cutie, how mean of someone to return him- I wish everyone believed in forever homes.

  12. We're purring for a most wonderful forever home for you Clover.

  13. CLover is super handsome we are purring that the second time does the trick for a FURever home for him.

  14. Jeter aka Clover iss berry hansum an wee iss purrin fur him to find a new fur ever purrmeenent home ASAP!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  15. What a cute face ! We're sorry he had to come back, and hope he finds a forever home very soon. Purrs

  16. Aw, rats. I always hate to see kitties come on back to the shelter. Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to see old friends again. But as many others have said, I always hope that people mean it when they say they'll give a little one a forever home.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  17. Clover is such a cute boy! I love his unique markings very much. And that gorgeous tummy....! I hope he finds a real forever home very soon xoxo

  18. He is soon cute. We are wishing for a happy forever home for him.

    Have a great day,

    Hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  19. This guy is a four leaf luck cat, for sure. What a great character. I do hope he carries on that luck to a new home ASAP

  20. Who could ever bring that fellow back? Ah well that is how Mr Buttons came to live with us so his, right, forever home is coming soon. We will help you get the word out

  21. We're sorry Clover is back at the shelter, but a handsome guy like him should find a new home pretty quick. :)

  22. Clover we has our paws crossed that you will find your furever home soon...and it will stay furever. Who could resist such a handsome fella?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  23. I hope Clover find his real forever home this time. What a handsome boy.

  24. He is so adorable! We are wishing for him to find a forever-and-ever home.

  25. He has an AMAZING face! Needs a FOREVER, forever home, for sure.


  26. We have shared as always. Hope Clover gets his forever home very soon!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  27. Granny says when I was not such a looner, she would have adopted Clover and she would renamed me as Crimson, just because she was thinking about this song, when he showed up...don't know exactly why :D We are sorry to hear that he had to come back at the shelter and we send Extra Good Luck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon. He deserves it <3 <3 <3

  28. What precious Tuxie selfie Clover!!! We hope you find a furever home very very soon. We will put Four-leaf in front of Clover and hope it brings you lots of luck
    Hugs madi your bfff

  29. Awww, Clover/Jeter, we'll send out purrs that your real forever family find their way to you soon!

  30. What a cutey. We's sharin' and purrayin'.

    Luv ya'


  31. Clover looks just like mommy's boyfriend's cat, Boomer! What a beautiful black nose.

  32. That's so sad when they end up back at the shelter. I hope Clover finds his new family soon.

  33. *waves paw* HI CLOVER! We just know your 4-leaf-lucky day is coming VERY soon!

  34. Once again...Mommy is smitten by this handsome man cat!!! Mes just happy yous guys is too far away for Mommy to runs over and gets hime! Wes purraying he gets a forever home soonest!

  35. It's unfortunate that your most recent home wasn't a permanent placement for you Clover but we are happy you are back at PAWS and that you didn't wind up somewhere less wonderful! Now you have a really good chance of finding your forever home which is what everyone wants for you :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
