
April 3, 2016

Easy Like Selfie Sunday :)

We love Sunday. It's a day to take it easy, and to recharge for the work week ahead. Sunday is also one of the days we visit our adorable, adoptable friends at PAWS. Friends like handsome and sweet Mikan, who's showing off his selfie skills from the comfort of his favorite spot on the Room 2 easy chair.

And here's Po. He may be new to the shelter, but it's clear this handsome dude is no stranger to the idea of "Easy Like Sunday Morning." This picture shows him in a nice fleecy bed, but I (and my lap) can personally attest that he's equally content snuggling with his human pals. :)

And now, for a wonderfully different kind of selfie. It's cartoon Angel Moosey, as drawn by the very talented Menagerie Mom at the terrific Four-Legged Furballs blog! Thank you, Mom L. ... such a  beautiful rendering of our sweet boy. We positively LOVE it.
Angel Moosey, created by L.M.G. Miller

We're taking part in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our pals at The Cat On My Head. Be sure to check out who else is hopping along (or join in on the fun)!


  1. Nice selfies today - and REALLY nice art!

  2. Po, you and Mikan sure are some nice looking cats and we so hope you find a home really soon. That is such a great picture of Moosey. We love that gal's art. It is really good.

  3. You two look very relaxed in your Selfies,hope you find your home soon,xx Speedy

  4. Po and Mikan relaxin on a Sunday. What coulds be nicer? Mikan, where you gets dat loverly smile? Anybodys can tells you gets tons of loves at PAWS.

    Me hopes you stops by to see my fun selfie too and to purr for Jolly who just had life saving surgery. Purrz from Lulu and Katie Mom.

  5. Wonderful selfies!!! We love the Angel Moosey too.

  6. Great selfies. Angel Moosey is adorable!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Oh we love the Angel Moosey cartoon selfie. Spectacular!!!

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  8. Oh what a great drawing of Angel Moosey. He had one of the sweetest faces we have ever seen.

  9. Oh Moosey, what a sweet ting to see you this morning and that was so dear of your friend to create that rendering for you.
    Mikan and look so perfect to grace someones home and make it yours as well.

  10. Mikan is a cutie and Po just as sweet and handsome! purrs you two won't have long to wait for your own forever home to enjoy the rest of your Easy SUndays. Cartoon Moosey is just too cute! that is a sweet gift :) purrs,

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  11. What handsome mancats Mikan and Po are! Mikan has such stunning markings, and Po looks so sweet and gentle. And I'm so glad you like the drawing of Moosey. I'd been wanting to draw your handsome boy for quite some time, and I greatly enjoyed doing so. Many purrs to you!

  12. I do love how you guys look so natural and relaxed in your selfies, and that drawing is divine! purrs ERin

  13. Great selfies and the Mousie drawing is fab!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  14. Those look like some relaxed little sweeties! Hope the rest helps them to woo perfect families this week. And are you in kitten season over there yet? It's starting in Oregon. Seems too soon!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  15. That is a great drawing of Angel Moosey, she is very talented. Great selfies, I hope they get forever homes soon.

  16. These kitties know how to relax and look beautiful. :-) I hope they find forever homes soon. And I love the drawing of your Angel Moosey.

  17. Wonderful Easy Sunday Selfies and what a great drawing of Angel Moosey. We hope that Mikan and Po's loving family comes to fetch them home very, very soon. What sweeties they look to be. Hugs and nose kisses

  18. Mikan takes a beautiful selfie and Po is a sweet boy.
    That was nice of Menagerie Mom to send you a portrait of dear angel Moosey!

  19. Mikan and Po made a wonderful Selfie. We hope they find a furrever home soon and the painting of Angel Moosey is absolutely beautiful. MM is such a talented painter. Good Luck Pawkisses for all the homeless kitties :) <3 <3 <3

  20. Those are lovely selfies. The drawing of Angel Moosey is so sweet.

  21. Mee-you what a furabuluss drawin of Angel Moosey there Mistur Kevin!!!
    An wee fink Mikan an Po are berry hansum kitties all so. Iss a snoozy sorta Sunday isn't it???
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx
    Pee S.: Pleeze come visit mee fur Sunday Selfie. mee not linkyed up yet butt mee DID post!!!

  22. Oh the picture of Moosey is so adorable!!! Great selfies!

  23. Nice selfies ! The drawing of Angel Moosey is beautiful. Purrs

  24. Hope you're all having a purr-fect Sunday and the artwork is amazing!

  25. Great selfies! Mikan is such an adorable kitty. It's surprising that he hasn't found a forever home yet. And Po is such a cutie, too!
    Love the drawing of your angel Moosey. Such a lovely art work and it's definitely showing his sweetness :-) Happy Sunday!

  26. Awww, so adorable. Nothing better than cats or kitties.

    Have a purrfect day. ☺

  27. Milan and Po are so handsome! And we love the drawing of Moosey. What a nice way to remember him.

  28. Two cuties if I do say so myselfie.

  29. Aww two sweet babies! We hope someone adopts. Them both soon!

  30. Love the cartoon of Moosey! And the cats are adorable.

  31. Oh my mouses! Mikan and Po are VERY HANDSOME boys, for sure.


  32. What a lovely drawing of Angel Moosey :) And we love that photo of Mikan! We hope both these sweet boys find their forever homes soon :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  33. First off, the pawtrait of Moosey is the bestest!!! And Mikan and Po is both furry handsome (MEOW)!!!

  34. What an incredible and sweet drawing of Mosey. We know you will treasure it forever. Mikan and Po are so adorable, and we wish them luck in finding new, loving homes quickly. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  35. PepiSmartDog: beautiful photos of the two kittehs, but I love the drawing of Moosey. Gorgeous!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Sorry we are late getting here, but here we are! Hee Hee!
    Always appreciate your support and I’m so glad you are still part of our blog hop.
    *waves paw* :=o)

  36. Late we is!! But share we will!!

    Your kitties are lovely AND we adore Moosey!

  37. Love the picture of Angel Moosey. The selfies are nice too.
