
July 21, 2015

A Lap Cat Emerges, and a Special Day :)

This is our beautiful and much-loved friend, Sioux. She's always been a sweet kitty, but had always been a little leery of the humans at the shelter.

Well, there's not much that makes us happier than when a timid cat "turns a corner," and begins to learn that she is safe and loved.  It's pretty obvious that Sioux has started turning that corner.  Check her out last weekend, when she decided that Tracey's lap looked very inviting:

And here she is, getting mighty comfortable in one of the wall-mounted cat cups (sorry the picture is so fuzzy; she started moving as I took the picture with my cell phone camera):

Sioux is about 3.5 years old, spayed, micro-chipped and current on her vaccinations. She is negative for FIV and FeLV. And as you can see, she's ready to give and receive love from whoever is lucky enough to adopt her. Won't you consider being her forever best friend?
As for that special day we referenced in the title ... today, July 21st, is our Angel Sammy's Gotcha Day at the Rainbow Bridge.

Happy Gotcha Day, Dootie!

We love and miss you every day, and bet they're having a big ol' party there to celebrate the special day that you came to live with us, filling our house with love and laughter. :)

Love from Mom Tracey, Dad Kevin (meowmeowmans), Moosey, Gracie and Zoe 


  1. Paws up, Sioux! And purrs to you today as you remember...

  2. We will think of you today and know you will miss Sammy (we didn't know you called him Dootie) very much. Take care.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Sioux looks like a fun and playful kitty :) Purrs she gets a home of her own.
    Purrs to you as you remember sweet Sammy.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. We luff that pic of her in the cup, that is pawsome. And happy Gotcha Day to Angel Sammy.

  5. Purrs as you remember dear Sammy.
    It is lovely to see Sioux coming out of her shell and enjoying lap time.

  6. I remember when Sioux lived in a carpeted tube, and we thought she'd never come out... The power of volunteer love has done it again!
    Wishing you happy memories on this bitter sweet Gotcha Day.

  7. Sioux has real purrsonality! We purr that she finds her home soon.

    Purrs to all of you as you remember Sammy today.

  8. Sioux, we are so glad you turned the corner and started to trust the humans.
    Sammy, we sure miss you and Happy Gotcha day to you. You were just the best cat.
    You all have a great day.

  9. We love that cat cup. And Sioux, you are gorgeous. We are glad you are feeling more relaxed and hope your special human appears soon.

  10. Sioux is such a pretty girl. Glad she turned corner and has learned she is safe and loved! The photo of her in a cup is beyond adorable!
    Happy Gotcha Day to your Angel Sammy. Purrs and lots of love to you all on this special day xoxo

  11. Sioux definitely was settled in and quite happy on Tracey's lap, so sweet. We hope she'll find a wonderful, patient and understanding human to love her for the rest of her days.

    Happy Gotcha Day to Angel Sammy. Lots of purrs and head butts to you as you remember his special day. (((Hugs)))

  12. Sioux is gorgeous! Hope she finds a forever home soon. And happy gotcha day, Dootie!

  13. Happy Gotcha day to our honorary Angel Brofur Sammy, we hope you are running free with your adopted Angel Family, Yuri, Max, Sophie, Abby, Arthur P. Suckboy, and Jenny. We miss them and we know your family misses you tons and tons. Don't worry, their hearts are soooooooooo big, that you have your whole "forever wing" in their hearts. Much love and remembering. Your honorary Michigan Family. <3

  14. Angel Sammy was adorable. I hope Sioux gets her forever home soon, she is a cutie too.

  15. Sioux sure looks comfy in that cup. :) Glad she decided people are ok.

    Purrs to all of you today as you remember Sammy.

  16. Such a sweet face!
    Thanks for linking up at

  17. Sioux is very cute! I hope someone takes her soon!
    Sweet Sammy, we're glad you were gotted by such a wonderful family, and sad that you're over the bridge, but we hope everyone has a happy memory of you today!

  18. Sioux is so pretty. Hope she will soon have a home.

    We do remember sweet Sammy!

  19. She is such a cutey. Weez sharin' and purrain' and sendin' luv to yous all fur Sammy.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  20. I will be thinking lots about little Sammy today :-(

  21. Sioux looks really sweet. And I'm saying Happy Gotcha Day, Angel Sammy.
    I hope lots of your residents get forever homes soon!


  22. Sioux is beautiful. It's wonderful that she is relaxing. Purrs to you as you salute Sammy.

  23. Souix is such a bpretty one and we hope the love happens soon. Happy Gotcha Day Angel Sammy, we miss you pal.

  24. Sending purrs to Sammy at the bridge. Sioux is quite lovely, and it makes us happy that she is coming out of her shell. Here's to her finding that purrfect forever home very soon. Please join us for our blogoversary. We have great prizes! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  25. This made me teary, both glad and sad. Hugs! ❤

  26. Sioux, we are so happy to hear that you are coming out of your shell!! We hope that the right person comes for you very soon.
    And Sammy - Happy Gotcha Day at the Bridge!!! We are sending hugs to your family as they fondly remember you :)

  27. ((((hugs)))))) to you on this difficult day, but maybe Sioux's turning a corner is a gift from precious Sammy? xoxoxo

  28. sioux.....we bee buzzed mega happee ya haz had yur tern a round & we will bee buzzed mega happee when ya post yur graduation day fotoz......all de best two ewe & we hope yur graduationz day iz in joo lie !!


    N mom & dad ta sammy...we can promise ewe, ther iz a partee goin on heer like ewe canna bee leeve....ther bee cake az far az de eye can see, a tabull thatz 34,099 miles long filled with mice creem & samiches & friez, sammy iz doin ree lee good AND him all ways meowz bout how awesum hiz familee iz & all ways will bee & how much him lovez ewe all....


    dude & sauce ♥♥♥♥♥

  29. We is sure there is a big pawty going on across the Bridge. We sends our hugs to efurryone.

    Purrs too to Sioux that she finds a furever home soon where she can lounge on someone's lap as much as she likes.

    Sasha, Sami & Saku

  30. Sioux! What a beautiful girl you are! And what an auspicious day! We KNOW that Sammy and my hissy old Licorice will be celebrating Sammy's day! Wes sends yous all extra special kisses today!

  31. Sioux is so beautiful, and I'm purring that Truffles is at Sammy's party!

  32. It makes us happy that Sioux has warmed up so much to you and other volunteers, sending purrs her way for an awesome forever home! Happy Gotcha Day at the Rainbow Bridge Sammy, you are such a sweetie we miss you, purrs to your Mom and Dad, we hope you are hanging out with our Angel Inka!

  33. Sioux looks so cool and fluffy and playful!

  34. Sioux is a beauty! We will share and we know that Sammy had an awesome Gotcha Day at the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs to your family.

  35. Welcome, Sioux, to the cozy lap club! We bet some of the Colehaus Cat angels helped Sammy have a good party.

  36. Sioux is adorable - Tracy clearly has the magic touch with her! Hugs to you both as you remember Angel Sammy!

  37. that picture of Sioux in the cat cup gave us a smile. And that she is beginning to enjoy the comfort of a lap :) there is nothing better, we say. Purrs to you as you think of Sammy at this time :)

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie

  38. That's so nice that she became more social ! Ready to find a good forever home !

  39. Gotcha Days always warm the heart with wonderful memories, we are sure Sammy celebrated his amazing ggod life and fortune. It IS also a very special time when you see the moment come that a rescue decides to trust. Nothing makes what we do more worthwhile than to witness the healing.

  40. what a sweetie and looking so cozy in Tracey's lap!

  41. Lovely post from the heart. It's why we do what we do. Nothing more rewarding when a cat turns around.

  42. Angel Sammy is always missed.
    Sioux sure looks like she is ready for that new home!

  43. The picture of Sioux in the cat cup gave us a smile :)
    Sure hope she will get her foreverhome real soon !


  44. Sioux is a beauty! We bet her forever family is coming any time now. Purrs to your family on Sammy's angelversary.

  45. Ah Sammy! We miss your sweet little face. We are certain you are celebrating in style with all your furiends on your special day. Love to your family.

    the critters in the cottage xo
