
July 26, 2014

Thankful for Our Friends

We are so thankful for our amazing friends.

A couple of weeks ago, our pals over at Twinkletoe Tails celebrated Oui Oui and Mica Minnie Moo’s gotcha days by holding a commentathon (at their blog) and post-a-thon (at the Tabby Cat Club) to benefit the PAWS cats. Well, the events were a huge success, raising $100 to benefit the volunteer-initiated and -implemented “Habitat for Cats” catification project at the shelter. And THEN, another one of our close blogging buddies, Brian (of Brian’s Home) and his dad, matched that $100, turning it into $200 for PAWS! Is that cool, or what?

Big thanks to the Twinkletoe Tails gang (Oui Oui, MMM, Julie and Carlos, and their mom) and the crew at Brian’s Home (Brian, Sascha, Gracie, Zoe, Dolly, Kit, and Precious, and their dad and mom). We love you all, and are so grateful for your friendship, thoughtfulness and generosity. You’ll be excited to know that your generous gifts are the very first donations for “Habitat for Cats” at PAWS!

But our thank you train doesn’t stop there. Check out what some of our other blogging buddies did…

Recently, our close friend Sparkle the Designer Cat (and her human) held a highly successful commentathon to celebrate her birthday and World Cat Domination Day. With the $75 she raised, Sparkle chose to sponsor three cats – Patch, Sweet Pea and Oreo – who are waiting at PAWS for their forever homes! Pretty awesome, huh?

And THEN, our dear friends at The Cat on My Head, inspired by Sparkle and her human’s kindness, decided to sponsor a PAWS kitty, too! The Kitties Blue and their mom are sponsoring Swizzle. And they want to keep sponsoring her until she is adopted! They even made Swizzle an honorary Kitty Blue!

Thank you so much for sponsoring these amazing adoptable cats, Sparkle and the Kitties Blue. We appreciate and love you, and will do our best to keep you posted about how “your” kitties are doing.

And finally … thank you to everyone who took the time to post and comment to help make all of the events such a success. All of this wouldn’t have been possible without you.  Thank you all for your friendship, and for being YOU!

Have a great weekend. :)


  1. Like we always say...this is one incredible giving and loving family. Pet Bloggers are the best! We are so happy that the shelter and all the kitties will benefit from such extraordinary kindness.

  2. Dis is awesomeness on the utmost scale! Good things happeninging all over da blogosphere world!

  3. This is great news and we are so pleased for you. Mum sponsors a cage at our Cats Protection League in the UK and it's wonderful when you see the cat in your cage has got their furever home. Then you meet the new cat and off we go again.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. How wonderful! PAWS is a great place and deserves all the support it can get.

  5. I am so happy that all the PAWS kitties are getting so much support from fellow cat bloggers - and I could not be more thrilled that my human's sponsoring kitties there inspired The Cat on My Head's human to sponsor too!

  6. And thank you Kevin and Tracey for continuing to remind everyone, with humor and grace, that there are so many cats and kittens who need homes.

  7. I echo what said. With humor, grace and love I will add. This is one of the most loving blogs. xxooxx to all of you, furred and human.

  8. Glad it was all such a success and we are thankful to you Keven and
    Tracey for all you do to help these cats find home. And we thank Maggie too. You all make such a good team for the cats. Take care.

  9. An entire post full of awesomeness! We can't wait to see the completed Habitat for Cats. :)

  10. All the special things that PAWS does certainly deserves all the love that comes your way. We think y'all are rockin' it!!!

  11. Wonderful!!!! We love joining in and supporting wherever we can! OuiOui, Brian, Sparkle and the Kitties Blue are all PAWSOME!!!!!!

  12. that is so pawsome! ditto what Brian said. Blogville rocks! purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  13. What a super nice thing for you to do for all of us helping PAWS kitties. We really hope that this post will inspire other readers to help by donating or sponsoring. Thanks so much for linking back to us. We will look forward to getting periodic reports about Swizzle. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. We won Sparkle's commentathon and picked PAWS as our shelter. That's why she is sponsoring 3 PAWS cats. So we helped too.

  15. This is wonderful! Kitty bloggers are the best!
    And Habitat for Cats is such a great project. PAWS kitties are so lucky to be loved and cared by wonderful volunteers and blogging friends!

  16. That's SO wonderful!!!
    It warms our kitty blogging hearts to see how we can all come together to help our shelter friends.

  17. YAY for pawesomeness of furiends!!!!! I am kind of broke now so can't donate the way I would like to, that is why I try to share kitties on my page and twitter as much as I can! xoxo

  18. Oh bloggers have hearts...and paws of gold. We're so happy that PAWS was the recipient of so much kindness.

  19. How pawsome is that??? Love it and love you. How’s the catification coming? I bet if you get in touch with Kate Benjamin, she can help you. Just recently, she gave away something like 200 sets of cat shelves.

  20. Wow! What a great report! You guys are so good to the kitties, you totally deserve everything people are able to do to help! XOXOXOXO

  21. That was an amazing success! Congratulations ☺

  22. That is really fantastic! We hope all the sponsored kitties find nice homes and that the new project goes well :)

  23. They're all pawsome with a big heart! May God bless you all for sharing.

  24. Dat is so wunnewful. Wees so vewy happy tu hav played ow pawt by postin' and commentin'. Wees wish wees kuld du mowe, but well, wees not able tu, so wees will purray fur all da kittys tu get luvin' furevew homes. wees fink da purrawject is a pawsum idea and know dat it's gunna make sum kittys vewy happy. ☺

    Luv ya'


  25. You are doing great things for the cats and we so love our friends supporting each other.

  26. What blessings have come your way - and each one well deserved. So many kind people doing kind things. Thank you to them all. People forget that every last cent counts. and 100 cents make a dollar so - giving a few cents even or a couple of dollars ALL ADDS UP!

  27. thank you to all who have done so mcuh for kitties everywhere.

    emma and buster

  28. You guys deserve all this attention and funding - you rock!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  29. Hi Kitties, We sent your dad an email a couple days ago at his gmail--if he hasn't checked it, will you tell him there's a message from us there? Purrs

  30. That's the happiest of happy endings. Gotcha Day celebrations and donations so more kitties can find homes. Pawsome combination!

    --Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  31. Hi again--we tried sending the mail again ;-) Hope it gets there this time! Let us know if it still doesn't come through!

  32. This is so awesome!!! Wonderful news - can't wait to hear about the progress on the new habitat. Mom would love to sponsor a kitty. She says one day when she has some extra money that will be the first thing she does!

  33. What wonderful news. Headbutts and purrs to all the wonderful people sponsoring these beautiful kitties.

  34. This is wonderful! We are thankful, too...and also for people like you. Hug.

  35. So much pawsomeness!!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  36. Wow, congrats on all that, how fantastic! We are so happy for the PAWS kitties!

  37. PepiSmartDog *tears in our eyes* WHAT A FANTASTIC POST! You made our day .
    So glad the Commentathon was a success and how wonderful of Brian's dad to chip in and double the amount!
    *happy dance around the room*
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop again. Always love visiting your site and reading your posts. Hope to see you in our blog hop again this week. *waves paw* :=o)

  38. PAWS really deserves the support! They are wonderful and couldn't function without it. We can't wait to see how the catification is coming along!

  39. You guys deserve every bit of support you get. If there's anything we're sorry about, it's not being able to join the whole project when it went full blast.

    Hugs. Cheers to our amazing community.
