
December 24, 2013

Celebrate Me Home

Christmas wishes DO come true.

Do you remember our beautiful, sweet and gentle friend Sheba?  If you do, you probably recall that the adjustment to living in the shelter was difficult and overwhelming for her.  For quite some time, she would face the back corner of her cage, not wanting to interact with anyone.  But with consistent affection and attention (and interactive cat videos!) from the PAWS volunteers and staff, this senior ladycat learned to trust and love humans once again.  It turns out Sheba is an unabashed lap cat.  And we all absolutely ADORE her. :)

As you can guess, there wasn't a dry eye in the house when Sheba's wish for a forever home finally came true this weekend.  Merry Christmas, our dear Sheba.  We love you, and are over the moon that you've found your very own happily ever after!

Also celebrating the holidays in their new forever homes are: Pauline, Tyson, Tinsel and Candy Cane (together), and Bubba!  Add these lucky kitties to those in our most recent FURever Friday post, and there's a whole lot to celebrate around here. :)

All of us here at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life wish you the happiest of holidays, and a new year filled with peace, love and joy.

Hugs and headbonks,

Kevin (meowmeowmans), Tracey, Moosey, Gracie and Zoe


  1. ::sniffing::

    Happy happy happy...


    Meowy Catmas from all of us at The Lounge!

  2. Happy Happy Christmas Sheba. Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you.

  3. *happy happy tears*

    Merry Christmas Eve!
    Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

  4. ::leaky eyes:: We are so happy for this older girl. Major purrs to the person who gave her a furever home! And to all of you at PAWS that brought out the best in her!

    We hope you all have a SPLENDID Christmas Day--Moosey and his two sisters and the Humans too! XOXOXO

  5. That is just so fantastic, we are so happy for Sheba! Wishing her and all the other kitties a wonderful life in their forever homes! Meowy Catmas to all the PAWS kitties and volunteers! And a very Merry Christmas to you all!

  6. I'm all teary-eyed too. This is fabulous news and we wish Sheba and all the adoptees a wonderful holiday in their new forever homes.

  7. That's such great news!!! Merry Christmas to you all!

    Hugs and purrs,
    Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

  8. Happy Christmas to all at the Animal Shelter. All the kitties will have a great Christmas with their devoted helpers.
    It is nice to hear that some of the kitties will be spending Christmas in their own special forever home.
    Many purrs and hugs to all.

  9. Congratulations to Sheba!!! We're so happy that she has a wonderful forever home for Christmas!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Wonderful news! Merry Christmas, Kevin, Tracey, Moosey, Zoe and Gracie.

  11. What good news!!!

    ★˛˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★Merry*★* 。*˛.
    ˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Christmas*★ 。*
    ˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____.♥Everyone ♥ ˛* ˛*
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    *(...'•'.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田 |門|╬╬╬╬╬*˚ .˛ ...

  12. What a wonderful Christmas story! We're so glad for all these wonderful kittehs and they hoomins they adopted.

  13. Hooray for Sheeba! What a great Christmas present for her...and her new family!

  14. Mum's eyes are leaking but she is smiling too now she has heard that Sheba has her forever home. We hope her new family will stay still long enough for her to show them she is quite the expert at lap sitting.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. Merry Christmas, my friends!

  16. ░M░E░R░R░Ƴ░

    C░H░R░I░S░T░M░A░S░ !!!

  17. That is one thankful blessed story to hear and we are so grateful to learn Sheba got her wish to be home for the Holidays!!! Merry Christmas

  18. Home just in time for the holidays! How sweet is that? Very!!

    Merry Christmas Kevin, Tracey, Moosey, Gracie and Zoe

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. Oh Sheba, darling girl! I am so happy you found your forever home! And just in time for Christmas! I wish you a very happy new life with your forever family. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  20. That is a most wonderful gift and we are so happy for Sheba!

  21. Such happy, HAPPY news! We're glad the kitties will spend Christmas with their furrever families. :)

    Merry Christmas, Moosey, Gracie, Zoe, Kevin and Tracey!

  22. Congrats to Sheba! that's a great gift for her ^^

  23. Such a lovely Christmas present for Sheba.
    Merry Christmas to all of you.

  24. What wonderful news and what a great Christmas gift for sweet Sheba and her new loving forever family. We are thrilled for the other sweeties that got forever homes too. Our hearts are very happy right now. We wish all of you sweet friends a Wonderful, Happy Christmas. Thank you for all you do what a blessing you are! Hugs and nose kisses

  25. *leaky eyes* Merry Christmas in your new forever homes, kitties!

  26. Furever homes are always happy news. They brighten the season!

  27. Great news! Merry Christmas, Kevin and Tracey!

  28. ::Claps:: Yippee!!

    Merry Christmas to you all!!

  29. Sheba, you darling sweetest girl, I am so happy for you. May all your wishes come true forever more. xoxoxox Merry Christmas to everyone there at the Shelter and to you dear Sheba.

  30. Now that is the bestest Christmas Gift EVER!!!
    Merry Christmas to all of Yous from all of Us!
    Christmas Kisses
    Nellie, Kozmo, Jo-Jo, the Hairy Slobbery Sisters - Bob and Cinnamon and Mommy and Daddy

  31. We are sooooo very very happy for her - and for all the others as well. And Gracie and Zoe, we're wishing you two the very best first Christmas EVER, in your new home with your new family!

  32. Merry Christmas!!
    Maggie May and The Creek Cats

  33. That is awesome! I needed a happy ending today! Have a Merry Christmas!

  34. Ding Dong! It's Clooney Claus! Meowy Catmas! I'z here with the goods!

  35. Mieow Dear Furiendz!
    We jus stopped by to say:

    Merry Chrismouse Moosey, Gracie and Zoe & to your mom & dad too!

    ^.,^ x6


    Fankz fur bein owr furiendz ^.,^

  36. I wish a lot of forever homes for all these darling cats !

  37. YAY ! Such good news for CATmas :)

    Wish you all a Furry Merry CATmas !!


  38. Merry Christmas to you and yours from Deb, Dan, Harley, Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, and our Angel, Mr. Jazz

  39. Yay for Sheba....

    Merry Christmas to you all...Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy, Knuckles, and HH (Lou)

  40. Wonderful news about the new forever homes for all the precious babies, especially your sweet Sheba!...We are so grateful for all of you!...Merry Christmas dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  41. Wonderful news! Wishing you the best Meowy Chrissymouse ever!

    Cats of Wildcat Woods

  42. Have a very Merry Christmas! nothing is better than forever homes - especially for the holidays!

  43. A warm and happy Christmas to you all! Wishing you the best always, we're proud to call you friends! May you always find peace, love and joy in your hearts.

  44. It is so nice to find a home for Christmas, isn't it?

    Merry Christmas to you and to everyone!

    Many purrs

  45. A happy ending! Merry Christmas to you!

  46. May your day be filled with togetherness, peace and the deep joy of being surrounded by all of the important treasures of the Universe. Merry Christmas.

  47. What a wonderful holiday present for Sheba and the other PAWS kitties: new loving homes!

    Happy Holidays, from your friends Luna and Amar.

  48. How pawsome is that? And homes together for some?? Even better!! Santa Paws works in mysterious ways! Merry Chismouse!

  49. What fantastic news to read about Sheba getting a forever home at last, and all the others that did as well.

    Merry Christmas to all, and thank you for all you do for the furbies that find their way to you.

  50. How absolutely fabulous to read this happy news!

  51. Merry Christmas, dear friends and the happiest of holiday seasons!

    Mom Julie, Tinker, Anastasia, Chopin and Angel Tom xx

  52. Wonderful! Thank you for all you do giving these deserving kitty's chances at a home! And what a great Christmas gift! Hoping your Christmas was wonderful!

  53. I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
    *Cairn cuddles*

  54. That is great news! Hope you have a great weekend!

  55. We are sorry to be a little late, but we are so THRILLED to read about Sheba we even forgot we are late! Ha ha meow! We hope you three kitties and your Humans had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas! Here's to cozy and warm holidays and a very Happy New Year! XOXOXO

  56. Far too late, but what is this we hear?? A Christmas Blessing, if not a whole PAW FULL? Forever homes in abundance - what JOY!!

    A mighty cheer went up in New Zealand!!

    Harvey and Team Dash Kitten

  57. OMC!!! Sheba has her furrever home!! We are around the moon and back again and doing happy dancing for sure!

  58. So pleased to hear about Sheba.

    Not had chance to read any blogs over Christmas, but would like to take the opportunity to wish all of you a happy New Year, even if a little early.

  59. What a wonderful Christmas gift. New homes for kitties. Beautiful card!

  60. Awww, I couldn't help imagine how you guys looked when Sheba found her forever home. I am glad you got the best Christmas present of all!

  61. Wow, what a wonderful post. It made my heart feel so warm. You guys do such wonderful work! I wish that many more kitties in need find their way to you and then to their furr-ever homes! Peace...

  62. And my eyes are not dry either...such a lovely story for a Christmas wish for sweet Sheba...kudos's for you all.
