
March 7, 2013

Our 400th Post!

400 posts?  Really?  When Tracey first started Animal Shelter Volunteer Life back in December of 2008, we never imagined it would grow to become such a source of joy and encouragement for so many.  Nor did we imagine this little blog would become a portal through which we would make so many amazing friends, and meet so many animal lovers from around the world.

On this occasion, we want to thank you all.  Your love, support and encouragement are such sources of strength and joy, and we are so very fortunate to have you sharing in our adventures, and in the stories about the amazing, adoptable cats who pass through the doors of PAWS.  We're also abundantly thankful for animal advocates everywhere, and places like PAWS that provide safe and loving havens for animals while they wait to find their very own forever homes.

Much love and gratitude, and hugs and headbonks to you all,

Kevin (meowmeowmans), Tracey, Sammy and Moosey, and all the PAWS Cats


  1. Concats on 400 posts!! Many more to come we hope!

  2. Concatulations on 400 posts! That is an awesome accomplishment!

  3. Congratulations on 400 posts.

    You do such great things for the cats. Thank you.

  4. Congratulations. we always look forward to reading the adoption news and the general goings -on here at PAWS.

  5. Woo hoo, this fabulous news! Thank-you for all the amazing work you do for cats!

  6. Woohoo! Wow that is a lot of posts. I am glad to have found you guys. I enjoy reading about all the wonderful kitties and their stories.

  7. CONGRATS!! We're so glad you guys started blogging too :) You're such a blessing to the kitties that need you.

  8. Concatulations on your 400th post and we hope you are going to make it to 500 posts soon. We love to visit you and read about those happy adoptions.
    Thank you for all you do for them.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Congratulations on your 400th post! That's quite the achievement! We really love reading about the kitties who get adopted. Keep it up!

  10. Well done on 400 awesome posts ~ I'm so glad you started this blog (the same year Milo and Alfie started blogging)so we could get to know you.
    Thank you for loving cats so much and tirelessly doing so much to help them. WE love and appreciate all you do.

    Love Jan, Milo and Alfie xxx

  11. Congrats! 400 posts, and many, many more to come!

  12. Concats on 400 posts. You're doing such great work. We love reading about the kitties who are adopted to new forever homes!

  13. Congrats on your 400 posts! And here's to many many more!! 'Specially the ones about the happy adoptions!! oxoxox

  14. Congratulations on post #400! Here's to many, many more--with many more cats finding their forever homes!

  15. Congratulations! There's also a lot to celebrate with all the great adoptions at PAWS!
    Thank you for all the work you do to socialize the cats and help them get forever homes faster.

  16. A big congrats to you on those 400 posts. We sure do enjoy your blog and love hearing about all the happy stories about the kitties that find their forever home. Have a great day.

  17. Congratulations! I enjoy your blog very much so I hope you'll add another 400 and than another 400 posts to it :)

  18. We love you guys and are so grateful for all the work you do for kitties in need of homes and kindness!!! Congratulations on 400 posts, we look forward to 400 more :-)

  19. Concats on reaching the 400th post. That's impressive. We have enjoyed coming to admire the kitties and read their stories. It is very up lifting to hear so many are getting forever homes.

    Thankyou for your posts and for being furriends. We look forward to many, many more posts.

  20. We wish we would have happened on your bloggy way back when because we enjoy reading it so much.

  21. Concats!!!! Like you, we love meeting others out there that share our passion. :) Keep up the good work.

  22. 400??? Holy cow!!! That is pawesome. I have a lot of catching up to do! BOL

  23. CONCATULATIONS!!! We adore you and send you TONS OF LOVE on this momentous occasion!!

  24. Congrats gang!!!We always love visiting you!!!

  25. This is wonderful, congrats! Here's to the next 400!

  26. Congratulations on your 400th post! We feel very happy and honored to have met you here on blogland. Your posts are fun, encouraging, and great help for homeless kitties. We look forward to next 400!

  27. Helping find furever homes for pets in need--you're the best!

  28. Concatulations! That's pawsome. We are very glad to know y'all.

  29. conga ratz sammy N moosey on yur 400,000 th post....we bee veree happee ta haz bee come friends...heerz hopin 400,000 kittehs getz adopted ta ther mew forever homes two day two !!!


    looking for werd ta another 400,000 !

  30. ConCATulations to 400 post´s !
    Sure hope there will be many many moore :)

  31. Wow, that is no small task... Congrats on your endeavors!
    Hello, I just found you and now your new follower!
    our blog: Please stop by and join us too...
    Miss Kitty & I will enjoy having you there.
    Kitty & Mum

  32. Concats on 400 posts, and we wish you many more.

  33. what a great blog and here's to many many more posts

  34. Concatulationz on 400 postz!!! WOW!! ^..^ dat sure iz a lot! We so glad to be counted az your furriendz ~
    Keep up da Good Wurk ^.,^ ♥♥xoxo

  35. Congratulations on 400 posts! That's quite a milestone!

  36. Wow! Concats, sweet furriends! What an accomplishment! Think of all the kitties you have helped during that time. You must be very proud, we know we are.

    We know how it can just keep growing & growing. Our blog started with the mom wanting to spout out about her kitties, and she never really thought about what would happen in the future. We now wonder how many posts we have?

  37. Congratulations on this milestone. We hope we are blessed to read 4000 more sharings of your lives and successes and adventures. You give so much to so many and enrich our community with your voice. We are honored to be part of your blog family.

    Special thanks for your kind and encouraging words. Momma sure needed them! You are such great friends.

  38. Congratulations to your 400th post ! Now I have to check on mine ! I also enjoy the cat blogs so much. I have the feeling that we cat lovers are like a family all over the world !

  39. MOwzers! Concatulations guys! We love coming to visit - and we love knowing you're helping raise the visibility of all the kitties at PAWS looking for a home :-)

  40. Congratulations on your 400th post! We are glad you blog to help highlight cats in need of homes. And... your hard work behind the blog,helping to care for cats until they are adopted ,is also aprreciated!

    We are so glad you started blogging and that we have met all of you :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  41. Wowwzers and concatulations! Wes thinks yous guys is just the bestest!

  42. BIG congratulations!!! This is a milestone to celebrate. Thank you for all you do for the kitties of PAWS. We love celebrating the adoptions and happy endings you and the other PAWS supporters make possible.

  43. That is wonderful!! Concatulations and we are so happy you are part of the kitty blogosphere - you are such caring and devoted people and PAWS is an incredible organization!! Purrs to your kitties - Sammy and Moosey and to all the kitties of the world from your friends at the Zee/Zoey gang!

  44. 400!?!?!?! WOW!!!!

    Raising my coffee cup to 400 more

  45. Woo hoo!! Congrats on 400 wonderful posts!!! I'm thankful for your blog and your friendship.

  46. Congratulations on your 400th post. I really enjoy reading about all you do to help the kitties find their forever homes.

  47. PepiSmartDog:
    400 posts and 400 comments ! WooHoo ! Congratulations on hitting such a big number of posts!
    You guys look handsome in your Greenery too! BOL!
    Thank you so much for joining Thankful Thursday and hope you'll join in each week, so we can get to know you better. Hugs :=o)
