
August 28, 2011

Not so Easy, Waiting for Irene

*** UPDATE (Sunday, 2:32 PM): Thanks for your purrs and prayers, everybody! Irene has passed us, and we are safe and sound. :) Please continue to purr and pray for our friends further up the East Coast. ***

Hey Mom and Dad ... let me know when Hurricane Irene is gone, okay?

We will, Sammy.  We definitely will.

Thank you, everybody, for your love, purrs and prayers ... we appreciate you all.

For all of our friends who are also still in the path of Hurricane Irene ... stay safe!

Purrs and hugs!


  1. Oh Sammy, are in the way of the hurricane too?? Sure hope not but there are purrs and prayers for you, everyone on the East Coast sure can use purrs and prayers. God Bless.


  2. I am keeping my paws crossed that everyone in Irene's path stays safe!

  3. Please stay safe Sammy and everyone else in Irene's path.

  4. Purrs and prayers for all in Irene's path. Please stay safe and well Sammy!

  5. We're sending our purrs to all in Irene's path as well. Please be safe, everyone.

  6. We sure hope that Irene didn't hurt you or anyone else.We sure are keeping our paws crossed for you. Hurricanes are no fun what so ever. Hope you day is Irene free. Take care.

  7. We are purring for you and everybuddy else who is being affected by mean ol' Irene! Stay safe!!

  8. We hope you didn't have any damage from Irene. Take care.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Keep us updated! We are expecting thunder showers today and wind tonight I believe!

  10. We got a bit of rain and a lot of wind, but nothing bad. We do have our paws crossed for our furriends up the coast though.

  11. I hope by now the worst has passed, but we are still purring and purraying for everyone who is in that mean old hurrykane's path. Covering your eyes seems about the right response to me!!

    XOXO, Spitty

  12. Great to know you're safe and sound! It looks like NY is taking the brunt of it now. Thankfully, it's just a tropical storm.

  13. Don't be afraid, Sammy! Thanks for the update. No power here since 3am, and my iPad is running looooowwww...

  14. I was relieved to read the storm wasn't as bad as feared. Hoping everyone in the hard-hit areas is OK, too.

  15. Glad Irene has passed and you are okay. We are happy each time we see a fellow blogger has "checked in" to say they're okay.

  16. I am really glad that you are all safe! Thanks for letting us know! :)

  17. We're so glad that you are safe and sound. We will continue to purr for those affected.

  18. Glad you are OK. It is not over yet for many in the floods. Sending lots of purrs and light to them.

  19. Amei o blog e voces.
    Estou seguindo.
    Venha conhecer meu blog e ser meus amigos e seguirem também.
    Sou a KIPPY, moro no BRASIL e amo ter amigos em todo o mundo.
    Te espero com muita alegria.
    Aus 1000 com amor...


  20. So pleased you are all OK that end, I have made so many friends across the pond that anything on the news about weather etc, I think of you all. Paws crossed for the folks further up the east coast.
    Sammy you are so cute, I think you are OK to take a look.
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx

  21. I'm very happy that you are safe. I feel sorry for those who are affected...sending lots of prayers...
    Sammy, you are OK. You and your family are all safe, so you can open your eyes :-)

  22. We are happy to hear that Irene passed you by! We will keep our paws crossed that she sees fit to keep on her merry way without making any "pit stops" along her path of potential destruction!

    the critters in The Cottage

  23. We're so glad you're safe. Purrs and nose taps from all of us.

  24. That was some crazy storm! Our town is still without electricity. Glad you are safe!


  25. SO glad to read you are all safe. Time for a good NAP!

  26. Olá..
    Obrigada pela visita e por ser meu amigo.
    Estarei sempre por aqui te visitando e batendo papo. Amo ter amigos em todo mundo e manter pertinho de mim.
    Volte sempre... Voce será sempre bem vindo.
    Aus 1000 com amor do Brasil...


  27. YOu are so precious and small and loved. SO glad you and the entire family is alright. KISSES

  28. We love that photo. And you've got the right idea about covering your eyes.

    Glad to know Irene went right on by.

  29. Pleased to hear that you were safe during the storm. A hurricane that was after Irene has now arrived here in the UK (much weakened) and Kizzie has been staying in.
