
November 3, 2010

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Conrad

Conrad is a sweet boy. We'll write about him in a future post, but we couldn't resist sharing these pictures. Isn't he cute? :)


  1. Greetings,

    so very nice to meet you Conrad. you seem to be a very calm and loving feline and we are keeping our paws crossed for you to find a good loving home shortly. In the meantime we know you are in great loving hands.

    Dad wanted to tell you that your pictures look great and if you are using Photoshop you can make the light grey background the same colour of your blog so it looks like the pictures are floating, or you can keep it transparent if you save it as a png or gif document.

    Wishing you all the best,
    Ms Kitty and Egmont

  2. Conrad, you're a very handsome boy! We can't wait to hear more about you!

  3. Conrad, you are not only cute, you are very handsome. Someone would be very proud to have you. Hope you find a forever home really soon although it doesn't look like you are missing any meals where you are staying now. Lots of luck to you.

  4. Conrad's adorable!! We look forward to hearing more about him!

  5. He is a good handsome boy, and has become so much more friendly during his stay at the shelter.

  6. Oh Conrad we think you are furry handsome and you have very beautiful eyes.

  7. Oh Conrad, what a soulful face you have!

  8. Nice pics, we wish you the best in finding a PURR-FECT home!

  9. It's great to see you, Conrad, and we're glad you're getting lots of good care where you are while you wait for the right human to come along.

  10. conrad, what a cute fellow you are! we hopes you will find an excellent furefurr home very soon; but we know you're in a good place while you're waiting.

    best fishes from ed, nitro, xing, an' igmu (who are all best furriends except when they are awake!;-)

  11. yes, he is very cute, and it looks like he has a nice cozy spot to sleep.

  12. He is, and I'm partial - as much as I pretend not to, I dig white cats. :)

  13. Conrad is very dapper!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  14. Conrad is very cute! Purrs-

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

  15. What a handsome boy you are, Conrad! I love your's so sophisiCATed! I just know someone will take you home in an instant!

  16. it won't be long before YOU get a forever home. SOOOO handsome. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  17. Beaufitul photos for such a handsome mancat! Hope you get lots of zzzzs.

  18. Ohhhh, what a face!!!

    Thank you guys for stopping by and wishing Inigo well. We really appreciate all the kind thoughts and words - Rumblemum tells him about all his friends around the world that send him such love.

  19. What a lovely boy you are Conrad! Nice to meet you...

  20. Conrad, you are one handsome kitty!

    Have a good weekend!

  21. Conrad, we just want to kissy and snuggle wif you.

  22. Conrad looks like a very mellow kitty.

  23. Oh "sigh" - we love orange cats and don't have any but are full up at the moment. Hope he find a great home. Thanks for coming to Snowball's party - it was lots of fun!

  24. HELLO! You won the fantasty halloween category!! Please send your email to us at FLOOFY MC FLUFFERSON AT GMAIL DOT COM or you can contact the sponsor of your prize- at Siku & Quinn's blog!

    ---love, Hansel (who is not signed in.)

  25. Oh Conrad is so cute! We are looking forward to his post in the near future, hopefully the news that he found a new home :-)

  26. Hi Conrad! My Human thinks you're all 'dorable and stuff. I dunno, Bro--I guess you're okay! Now bring on the lady cats!

  27. I come to invite you for going to my blog and have participated in my 1st miaumiau luck .. would love ...
    Ronrons of

  28. <3 conrad! too cute ... and such lovely pictures :)

    sorry for not hopping by during the last month, but we were so busy with different things. wish you a great sunday!

  29. aww.. conrad is sooo cute. he reminds me of my previous foster kitty conan :)
