
June 1, 2010

Please Help Pepper Win! :)

Happy Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month! Pepper, a youthful and loveable 15-year old PAWS kitty, is a finalist in the "Best Picture" category for "The Whisker Awards" on! :) Will you please help us by voting for her?

Pepper's is the sixth photo on "Best Picture" ballot. :) This spicy girl may officially be a “senior,” but she acts and looks much younger! Pepper still has a lot of life in her, and lots of love to give, so we'd really like to get her the increased visibility (hopefully en route to a forever home!) with a win in the contest. Our shelter will also win some cool “Hide, Perch & Go” boxes if Pepper receives the most votes.

Please vote for Pepper daily (voting runs today through June 21), and ask everyone you know to do the same. And if you are so inclined, please share about her on your blog.

Thank you! :)


  1. We most definitely will vote for Pepper!

  2. We'll go vote for Pepper right now!

  3. Pepper has such a beautiful face. Will vote for her.

  4. Umi-e just registered with PetFinder so that she could vote for Pepper.

    * Yes! umie voted for Pepper and will vote again ;)

    Good Luck and All the Best!

  5. I tried to vote for Pepper, but when I attempted to set up my petfinder account, it said I had an invalid password. I tried 3 different passwords, I used caps, I used lower case, I used numerals, I used a symbol. It just said my password was invalid but it didn't tell me what I needed to make a valid password. Any tips?

  6. I voted! That really is a great picture!!!

  7. Awww.... She's such a cutie! BTW, I also had trouble with signing up. I had to go to the home page and sign up for an account directly.

  8. go, Pepper, go!!!

  9. I voted for Pepper and will vote every day. I hope she (and the shelter) wins.

  10. We voted for Pepper. Now if we can just get the assistant to remember to come back and vote every day. Hope she wins the contest but more important, a nice new home.

  11. Awwww, Pepper, you are a darling cat! We hope you win and better, find yourself a good home.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  12. We voted for Pepper - she is doing very well!

  13. We went and voted for Pepper! She is so cute! She does not look 15 at all! Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

  14. we will vote and hope she wins - she deserves to! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

  15. On our way to the voting are gorgeous, Pepper!!!!!

  16. my legless cat named Hero @

    you will like it..

  17. Signed up for Petfinder to vote for Pepper. She's a beauty & right now she's in 1st place!

  18. Pepper is so cute!! She really looks young!
    We will vote for her!

  19. Thank you so much, everyone! Pepper is doing well so far, so as long as everyone keeps voting every day, she has a good chance. :)

    We hope you all have a wonderful, purr-filled weekend!

  20. Thank you for spreading the word about dear Pepper! I cannot imagine why anyone would give her up to the shelter because she looks like a dream of a cat! I voted for her and I hope she wins!
    How great of you to help out in an extra way via blogging!

  21. Lovely whiskers..we will vote and pass the word on!
    cats of wildcat woods

  22. My what pretty whiskers you have Pepper. We voted for you, hope you win. Mom says what a cute kitty you are,


  23. We went by to vote for Pepper but it said we have to open a Petfinder account but we don't need a Petfinder account.

  24. OMG, I finally did more than vote for Pepper today -- I read her profile. It made me laugh so hard. And then want to rush to CT to adopt her. But I do have 7 of my own plus fosters and they nixed the idea.

  25. and mommy love you and your beautiful face. We will help.

  26. Pepper says: "Meow! Thank you so much for voting for me, and for your wonderful and encouraging comments, everyone!"

    Tracey ("PAWSVolunteer") and Kevin ("meowmeowmans") say: "We are deeply moved that so many of our blogging friends are so willing to help Pepper and PAWS by voting and spreading the news about voting. With six more days of voting, our buddy Pepper is really doing well." :)

    From the bottom of our hearts, we (Tracey, Kevin, Pepper, and all the cats and volunteers at PAWS) thank you.

  27. We have been voting for you every day Pepper and we are glad to see how well you are doing.
