
April 30, 2010

PAWS Contest: Best cat to talk with...

I mentioned to Kevin this past weekend that it would be really cool to have periodic "contests" amongst the PAWS kitties, in CATegories like "Best cat to talk with" and "Cat who gives the best lap." All of the cat volunteers could nominate, and vote for, their favorites. Who knows? If these contests catch on, we could advertise the winners during adoption hours - when folks are filling out paperwork and waiting to meet with an adoption counselor about the kitties. (:

Well, we're going to give this idea a shot starting today. Our inaugural contest is in the CATegory of "Best cat to talk with."

And the winner is -- in a very close race -- Gadget! In addition to his superior conversation skills, this sweet boy is incredibly smart (he never, ever falls twice for the same "getting him back in his cage" trick), loves a good lap and a good brushing, and REALLY likes the company of his human buddies!

And who was the runner up in this CATegory? That would be Kiki, an adorable Bengal boy who is quick to let us know (in a not-so-subtle way!) when he'd like some "out time" (or wet food).

This super sweet and handsome guy ended up at PAWS when his owner became ill and could no longer care for Kiki and his many cat and dog siblings. A very friendly lap cat, he likes being held and pet all over. We've also been told he likes to play with laser lights, and that he'll crawl under the covers at bedtime for a snuggle.

Congratulations to Gadget and Kiki ... you're both winners in our eyes. Keep on talking, and we'll keep searching for your forever homes!


  1. CATegories are a great idea to show people what's special about each cat!!!

  2. This sounds like a good idea. Each cat has their own personality and each are special in their own way. And Mom finds that I am a good talker, Patches is too. Mom says she recognizes Moose now. She likes him, she says he's a handsome ManCat.


  3. I like this contest idea! Well done to both kitties!

  4. LOL! Love this! Congratulations you chatty mancats! Keep up the good work and talk yourselves right into wonderful furever homes!

  5. Oh how sweet. Both kitties are adorable and worthy winners. We just know they will find purrfect forever homes when the time is right.

  6. Gadget is quite a talker, but Kiki has a set of lungs and can drown out some of the dogs!

    I love your new blog picture at the top - very nice!

  7. Our the Mom really likes that idea. And she thinks both mancats are very handsome, too.

  8. What a great idea! And our mom thinks Gadget is so handsome...but she's got a thing for black cats!

  9. That's a really good idea and I think it will help people looking to home a cat, head towards a cat they will fit well with. Kiki and Gadget are gorgeous!


  10. We congrats, y'all really are winners, I can tell!

  11. What a great idea. We think it will help people find what they are best suited to when they are looking for a new family member, and that is always good :)

  12. How old is Kiki? Is he all Bengal..I have a friend in New London who is looking for a freindly lap cat for her 12 year old son! Kiki sounds great for him!

    Cats of Wildcat woods

  13. Wonderful idea :)))
    You are the best for cats !!!!!

    HUgs Kareltje =^.^=

  14. Both boys are just gorgeous; I hope they find their forever loving homes soon!...Good luck to them; keep us updated!...Happy weekend friends.

  15. They are both so nice ! I hope that they will find good homes very quick !

  16. What a lovely idea - please let us know when they find furever homes.

  17. They are so dear and handsome. I wish I could have all of them.

    The Admiral's Mom

  18. Aww Gadget and Kiki! You are both sooo gorgeous mancats.
    Hope you find your forever home very very soon!!!
    Purrs, Keiko Kenji & Pricilla

  19. Congrats! Gadget and Kiki. I like the idea of the contests. That will be a good way to get to know the different personilities.
    You guys are the best. I can not say that enough.

    God Bless You,

  20. Awww...with qualities like that, they are sure to find forever homes soon!

  21. What a smart idea! Maybe you could even make award certificates for the adoptive parents to take home.

  22. Yeah, we sure did have fun at KC's party. She sure knows how to throw a good one. I think Casper is still over there, smooching with his sweetie. Hope Gadget and Kiki find a forever home soon.


  23. What a fun contest!!
    Congratulations to Gadget and Kiki!!!
    This is a very good idea to introduce your kitties!!

  24. Thanks for all the great comments and feedback, everyone! :)

    @Sallie: We *love* your idea about the award certificates for adoptive parents. We're going to try and do that for sure!
