
March 24, 2010

We Were Tagged Wednesday!

Guess what? We've been "tagged" by our pal Pibble and his human over at One Pibble's Wish. If your reaction is anything like ours was, you're probably asking, "Uh ... what the heck are you talking about?" Well, according to the rules, we were supposed to do the following: "Go to your first photo folder; find the 10th picture; post that photo; and explain the story behind it. Then tag five blogs, asking them to do the same."

Just what, we wondered, would we find in the 10th spot of our photo folder? I actually laughed out loud when I clicked on the file and it revealed this fuzzy, but delightful picture of Aurora -- one of our favorite PAWS graduates -- doing one of her favorite things: playing with her squishy foam bouncy ball. :)

If you've ever known a super smart and observant cat who seemed to take in EVERYTHING, then you've known a cat like Miss Aurora. She'd snoopervise the room intently from her cage, and there was just an undeniable intelligence and a seriousness in her eyes. Maybe that's why Tracey and I were so delighted to learn that she also LOVED to play with the reckless abandon of a kitten! It was certainly one of the reasons we loved her so much during her time at PAWS, and why we remember her so fondly.

According to the most recent update from her mommy, Aurora is doing splendidly in her forever home, making happy new memories and, as they say, living happily ever after. :)

Oh, and before we forget, here's who we're tagging:

Milo and Alfie Marshall at The Cat's Meow
Fui, Suey and Lishy at Forever Foster
Tristan and Crikey at Tristan and Crikey at the Beach
The whole gang at Melody's Katz


  1. Aurora is a beautiful kitty with a fun personality; so glad she's in a loving forever home!

  2. We love the pic of Aurora. She is just like Alfie Marshall ~ she is in touch wiv her inner kitten.

    Thanks for tagging us ~ we will post ours on Friday 'cos Alfie does his gardening post on Thursdays.

  3. Haha! I love it!! Thank you for playing along!

  4. What a super fun picture. Aurora sounds like a wonderful girl, and we are happy to hear she is having such a happy life.

    Thankyou for tagging us. We are looking forward to playing along:)

  5. It's funny :p hehehehehe :D

    *have a nice day*

  6. That is a great pictures and an even better story!

  7. What a great picture and wonderful story!

  8. Wonderful, wonderful photo and story. We are soooooooooo happy to hear that Aurora has found a forever home and is doing so well there. xxxxxxxx

  9. Excellent pic ans story! I adore abandon in "mature" cats!

  10. That is just purrfect! I love to see another playing kitteh! I love even better when they have forever homes.

  11. Great action shot! We will play this week - Mom will have to get the albums out! Thanks for Tagging us!

  12. So glad the Miss Aurora is secured in a forever home. She's a sweet kitty. She looks like a lot of fun to have.


  13. Thank you for a great photo and a story!
    I' m so glad to hear that Aurora is happy with her family in her forever home!!

  14. That's exactly the outcome you want at a shelter... you can feel good that you helped a little one when she needed it most, and now she's happy in a forever home.

  15. That is a great picture and a super story. Good job getting a picture of Aurora jumping up in the air. It is so hard to get cats when they are doing stuff. Have a great day.

  16. great picture!!love the's ameowzing!
    meows and purrs,
    Chocolate&the purrfect team

  17. Wow!!
    Its a wonderful ACTION shot ..... LOL
    I love this picture :-)))

  18. what a funny picture and im so happy that another story has a happy ending!

  19. I just love the picture. Great action shot. Thanks for dropping by. You always have the nicest things to say.

    Lots of Love,
    Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley
