
May 9, 2009

Amid the sadness, hope "Blossom"(s)

Newly grieving the loss of our dear Stevie, a few of us volunteers congregated in the kitchen area of the shelter today to reminisce about our sweet little girl. Janice, one of our dear volunteer friends asked if I had seen Blossom yet, a new kitty that arrived at the shelter a few days earlier. When I had told her that I hadn't, Janice advised me to brace myself as Blossom looks A LOT like Stevie and was found in about the same condition Steve was in when she first came to PAWS.

Slowly and quietly approaching her cage, I peered in and was shocked and amazed at how much she looked like our dear Stevie. I couldn't help but wonder if there was something bigger behind her coming to PAWS. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and this was one of those instances when that came to my mind.

I have since found out that Blossom was abandoned by her owner about a year ago and she had to learn to fend for herself outside. She was brought to PAWS dehydrated and pretty beat up. Like Stevie and despite her history, Blossom has the courage to remain a sweet, loving and TRUSTING cat. When we enter her room, she comes to the front of her cage and just wants to cuddle with us.

Kevin and I thought we would hold off until Blossom puts on a little more weight before we post a picture.  I'm happy to say we anticipate being able to post something real soon!

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